Redpath, Jean2016-05-152016-05-152014Redpath, J. (2014). Unsustainable and unjust: Criminal justice policy and remand detention since 1994. South African Crime Quarterly, 48: 25 - 372413-3108 'tough on crime' approach embodied in bail and sentencing law has had a profound impact on the trends around remand detention, including prison overcrowding of such an extent that it is estimated to have contributed to an additional 8 500 natural deaths in custody. Ultimately the policies have led, in practice, to an 'Alice in Wonderland' effect: fewer people are being tried and sentenced, while more than ever are denied their freedom without ever being tried in a court of law.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.Criminal Procedure Act (CPA)Criminal lawLegislationSentencingBill of RightsConstitutionSouth AfricaUnsustainable and unjust: Criminal justice policy and remand detention since 1994Article