Maart, RonelGordon, Natalie2019-07-042019-07-042018Maart, R.D., & Gordon, N. (2018). Dental clinical teachers’ perceptions of their teaching role. South African Dental Journal; 73(4): 304-308. Available: Clinicians often occupy a clinical teaching role without being adequately prepared for or orientated to the associated demands. Aim: Explore perceptions of clinical teachers at the Faculty of Dentistry (UWC). Method: A cross-sectional research design was used. Full and part-time clinical teachers (n=66) employed in 2014 were included. Data was gathered using a questionnaire administered via the online Survey Monkey® system. Results: The response rate was 47% (n=31). The top five qualities of a clinical teacher were -understanding students, patience, subject knowledge, passion/commitment and communication. The top five competencies were: clinical skills and experience, subject knowledge, good communication, good teacher, role modal. All respondents selected "availability throughout a clinical session, punctuality at a clinical session and identifying gaps in procedural aspects in the patient care" as important roles of a good clinical teacher. Differences in perceptions of clinical roles were seen between full and part-time clinical teachers. Conclusion: Clinical teachers' perceptions of their teaching role was to a great extent In line with bast practice as Indicated In the literature. Faculty teaching and learning Initiatives should highlight the clinical teacher role, harness the unique perspectives of full and part-time clinical teachers and address barriers that may hinder this processenPedagogical reflectionReflective practiceDental educationDental clinical teachers' perceptions of their teaching roleArticle