Zamchiya, PhillanMadhuku, Claris2023-02-202023-02-202023-02Zamchiya, P. and Madhuku, C. 2023, January. Securing Land Tenure for Women and Men Living on Customary Land in Zimbabwe. PLAAS Policy Brief 58. PLAAS UWC policy brief reports on findings from a study investigating the impact of the formalisation of customary land on tenure relations and livelihoods for women and men living in rural Zimbabwe. The research was conducted in Munyokoweri, Mahachi and Kondo villages as well as the Checheche growth point located in Chipinge District, Manicaland Province between 2020 and 2022. The study reached 156 respondents through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. In addition, the researchers conducted a survey of 100 households across the three villages.enLand tenureZimbabweCustomary landSecuring Land Tenure for Women and Men Living on Customary Land in ZimbabweOther