Brijlal, Pradeep2018-06-062018-06-062003Brijlal, P. (2003). Business development service: Addressing the gap in the Western Cape, South Africa. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 7(9): 49 - 561535-0754 survey was conducted to evaluate utilization of business development services by small businesses in the Western Cape. It was deduced that fairly established businesses do not seem to need or use consultancy /training services. This may be due to the lack of awareness on the owner’s part or perceived value of money. Emerging and stable businesses have a strong demand for financial support, business management advice and skills, market opportunities and technical skills. The new approach to business should entail identifying specific needs of business, considering its degree of sophistication and thereby providing services to meet those unmet needsenCreative Commons Attribution License 3.0Business development servicesWestern CapeBusiness managementSMMEsBusiness development service: Addressing the gap in the Western Cape, South AfricaArticle