Lalumbe, LindelaniOberholster, Paul JohanKanyerere, Thokozani2022-09-092022-09-092022Lalumbe, L. et al. (2022). Feasibility assessment of the application of groundwater remediation techniques in rural areas: A case study of rural areas in the Soutpansberg region, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Water, 14(15), 2365. contribution towards human health and livelihood depends on the contaminants level in groundwater. Many people in rural communities are being exposed to waterborne diseases resulting from drinking untreated contaminated groundwater. This study argues that the lack of implementation of available groundwater remediation methods and associated high costs are exposing rural communities to health risks. This study assessed 22 years of groundwater quality data from 12 boreholes and 2 springs to understand the contaminants level in the Soutpansberg region. A feasibility assessment of the application and design of a sustainable groundwater remediation technique was carried out based on individual- and community-based groundwater remediation types.enGroundwater qualityRural areasHuman healthWater qualityLimpopo ProvinceFeasibility assessment of the application of groundwater remediation techniques in rural areas: A case study of rural areas in the Soutpansberg region, Limpopo Province, South AfricaArticle