Conradie, Ernst M.2022-05-112022-05-112021Conradie, E. M. (2021). A green reformation of Christianity? Anthropological, ethical and pedagogical reflections on ecology as ecumenical theme. Scriptura, 120(1),1-10. contribution builds upon and contributes to many recent ecumenical calls for an ecological reformation of Christianity. It seeks to guide such calls on the use of the term �ecology� by offering five brief statements in this regard, namely 1) on ecology as a transversal theme; 2) on ecology as an ecumenical theme; 3) on the root metaphor of the �whole household of God�; 4) on Christian doctrinal assumptions on such a household; and 5) on the (ecological) limitations of the metaphor of the whole household of God.enChristianityEcologyEcumenicalHousehold of GodReligionA green reformation of Christianity? Anthropological, ethical and pedagogical reflections on ecology as ecumenical themeArticle