Nsengiyumva, PhilomeneMfubu, Anele2023-11-142024-05-142023-11-142024-05-142023https://hdl.handle.net/10566/14897>Magister Scientiae - MScThe study focused on female unemployment and aimed to establish whether or not there is a relationship between female unemployment and demographic characteristics, whether the currently unemployed have ever worked or not, their duration of unemployment and the reasons for not working. It utilized the existing dataset from Statistics South Africa's fourth-quarter of 2021 Labour Force Survey. The study suggested that there are differentials in female unemployment, according to demographic characteristics. More precisely the greatest share percentage of unemployed females in South Africa was found within 25-34 age group and who are single. Nonetheless, those within 15-24 most of them were found among those who have never worked before, while a high percentage share of those who have work experience was found in 55-64 age group.enDiscouraged job seekersReason for not workingDuration of unemploymentEver workedFourth quarterFemale unemployment in South Africa: insight from the 2021 labour force survey.University of the Western Cape