Christian, Carmen Sue2021-04-192021-04-192012Christian, C. S.(2012) Exploring ways to improve health system performance in developing countries, Development Southern Africa, 29(5), 767-769, DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2012.7309751470-363710.1080/0376835X.2012.730975 lively collection of articles investigating the challenges faced by health systems in developing countries is a welcome addition to the current health literature. Writing from a non-technical perspective, the authors strike a balance between deterring the general reader with excessive technical jargon and being too elementary to interest specialists. The book will thus appeal to a broad readership of health care professionals, researchers, advisors, students, and those outside the health profession involved in trade policy, economics, public policy and development.enHealth systemsDeveloping countriesHealth care professionalPublic policy and developmentTrade policyExploring ways to improve health system performance in developing countriesArticle