Koen, ChrisKondlo, Lwando OrbetFaculty of Science2013-12-042024-05-142011/02/162011/02/162013-12-042024-05-142010https://hdl.handle.net/10566/14915Magister Scientiae - MScThe intention is to draw more specific connections between certain deconvolution methods and also to demonstrate the application of the statistical theory of estimation in the presence of measurement error. A parametric methodology for deconvolution when the underlying distribution is of the Pareto form is developed. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of the parameters of the convolved distributions is considered. Standard errors of the estimated parameters are calculated from the inverse Fisher’s information matrix and a jackknife method. Probability-probability (P-P) plots and Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) goodnessof- fit tests are used to evaluate the fit of the posited distribution. A bootstrapping method is used to calculate the critical values of the K-S test statistic, which are not available.enDeconvolutionDistribution functionsError-Contaminated samplesErrors-in-variablesJackknifeMaximum likelihood methodMeasurement errorsNonparametric estimationPareto distributionEstimation of Pareto distribution functions from samples contaminated by measurement errorsThesisUniversity of the Western Cape