Malambo, PasmoreMarais, Margaret R.2017-05-102017-05-102006Malambo, P. & Marais M. R. (2006). Common physical problems among the elderly in the Livingstone district in Zambia: opportunities for physiotherapists. Journal of Community and Health Sciences, 1(2): 28-351990-9403 The study identified prevalent physical problems with regard to physiotherapy needs in elderly people in the Livingstone District in Zambia. OBJECTIVES: To identify the physiotherapy needs of common physical problems in the elderly. METHODS: A cross-sectional study design, utilising a quantitative research method and a convenience sampling technique. Participants: A total of 200 elderly people from the age of 60 years SETTING: Livingstone District in Zambia INTERVENTION: A structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data. RESULTS: The most common self-reported physical problems identified were musculoskeletal problems, physical inactivity, decreased ability to walk and the need for walking aids. Hypertension was a common cardiovascular disorder. CONCLUSION: Physiotherapists are ideally suited to alleviate the discomfort, activity limitation and participation restriction associated with ageing.enThis journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.AgeingPhysical problemsZambiaPhysiotherapyHealth promotionCommon physical problems among the elderly in the Livingstone district in Zambia: opportunities for physiotherapistsArticle