Collier, Debbie2023-12-142023-12-142022Collier, D. & Adam, A. (2023). High Heels in the Workplace - A Health Hazard or a Symbol of Femininity? Observations on Appearance Regulation in Mofokeng v CCMA. Industrial Law Journal : Including the Industrial Law Reports., 44.0258-249X over thirty years the ILJ has remained the premier South African labour law reporter. This seminal monthly journal covers judgments and awards handed down by the Labour Court, Labour Appeals Court, the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and private arbitration bodies. Also included are labour-related judgments from the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Appeal, the Land Claims Court and the Pension Funds Adjudicator. The ILJ is the only labour series to publish relevant judgments of neighbouring states. Every fourth issue includes insightful and thought-provoking articles and case notes, written by local and international experts.enHigh heelsWorkplaceAppearance RegulationFemininityHealth HazardHigh heels in the workplace – a health hazard or a symbol of femininity? Observations on appearance regulation in Mofokeng v CCMA & OthersArticle