Gough, David H.Bock, Zannie25/11/201125/11/20112003Gough, D. & Bock, Z. (2003). Applying linguistics: Developing cognitive skills through multimedia. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics, 9 (1): 19-40https://hdl.handle.net/10566/282This paper examines the effectiveness of linguistic analysis in developing scientific thinking skills and scientific attitudes. It reports on a project established at a South Africa university in South Africa which engaged students in the analysis of code-mixed data. Students who participated in the project showed gains in being able to analyze linguistic data using problem solving skills. While transfer of such skills to mainstream science teaching was not investigated, the study confirms the effectiveness of linguistic analysis in engaging students in the activities associated with the development of skills for science.enCopyright The Association. Permission was granted by the publisher for inclusion of this file in the Repository.Academic literacyMultimediaLinguisticsCognitive skillsProblem-solvingCode-mixingSouth AfricaApplying linguistics: Developing cognitive skills through multimediaArticle