Frantz, Jose M.Phillips, JulieRhoda, Anthea2014-09-102014-09-102011Frantz, J.M., Phillips, J. & Rhoda, A. (2011). Coaching for publication in higher education: views of the coach. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 9(2): 1-71540-580X Mentoring is a professional development approach that can be effectively used in improving publication outputs among academics. The challenge to develop academics in the area of publication is essential. This study highlights the role of the mentor in the process of encouraging academics to improve their skill in publishing. Method: Participatory action research was used in this study. Nine academics, with the authors as mentors, participated in a support group over a 10-week period and monthly follow ups for 12-months. Results: Key aspects identified by the mentors were information sharing, providing and receiving feedback, and continuous support and motivation. Support in developing novice authors does not end when the manuscript is submitted but has to be maintained throughout the process until publication. Conclusion: Mentoring can assist in the development of academics regarding the skills for writing for publicationenCopyright Nova Southeastern University. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice is an Open Access journal, permitting re-use of material for educational purposes, subject to acknowledgment of the source.MentoringCoaching for PublicationPublishing skillCoaching for publication in higher education: views of the coachArticle