Lailulo, Yishak AbrahamAppunni, Sathiya SusumanBlignaut, Renette2017-10-112017-10-112017Lailulo, Y. et al. (2017). Improving maternal and reproductive health in Ethiopia. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 52(7): 947-9640021-9096 study aimed to examine the relationship between maternal health and good quality of life in an attempt to understand the years between 2005 and 2011. Data from the Ethiopia Demographic and Health Surveys 2005 and 2011 were used. Bivariate, Camer-V, chi-square and logistic regression analyses were used to determine the relative contribution of the predictor variables. The hypotheses tested in this study were that gender, wealth quintile, type of place of residence and region are highly significant with women’s education and work status. Females’ expected age (adjusted odds ratio = AOR) for some school training has dropped in 2011 from 0.678 to 0.255 for the age group 25–34, but male expected age (AOR) for some school has increased in 2011 from 0.784 to 2.274. The age of the respondent, age at first cohabitation and socio-economic variables were positively associated with having visited health facilities in the last 12 months and being visited by a family planning worker.enThis is the author-version of the article published online at:’s educationWork statusWealth quintileFamily planningEthiopiaImproving maternal and reproductive health in EthiopiaArticle