Hayes, Patricia2018-08-172018-08-172017Hayes, P. The blur of history: Student protest and photographic clarity in South African universities, 2015�2016. Kronos, 43: 152 - 1642309-9585http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/2309-9585/2017/v43a10https://hdl.handle.net/10566/3946I have three points I would like to put forward � about strong photographs, about clarity and about blur. I also have a number of photographs dating from October 2015 at the University of the Western Cape that will be planted through the text as the argument unfolds.enKronos is an open access journalStudent protestsPhotographySouth AfricaUniversitiesThe blur of history: Student protest and photographic clarity in South African universities, 2015�2016Article