Goldstein, Keith M.Seyler, David E.Baker, Thomas K.2023-04-132023-04-132016Goldstein, K. M. et al. (2016). Use of a rat ex-vivo testis culture method to assess toxicity of select known male reproductive toxicants. Reproductive Toxicology, 60, 92-103. to the complex physiology of the testes, in vitro models have been largely unsuccessful at modeling testicular toxicity in vivo. We conducted a pilot study to evaluate the utility of the Durand ex vivo rat seminiferous tubule culture model [1], [2], [3] that supports spermatogenesis through meiosis II, including the formation of round spermatids. We used this system to evaluate the toxicity of four known testicular toxicants: 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB), 2-methoxyacetic acid (MAA), bisphenol A (BPA), and lindane over 21 days of culture.enDinitrobenzeneMethoxyaceticTesticular toxicityBioscienceUse of a rat ex-vivo testis culture method to assess toxicity of select known male reproductive toxicantsArticle