Kilkenny, DavidKoen, ChrisHambly, N.MacGillivray, H.Stobie, R. S.O’Donoghue, D.2017-07-242017-07-242013O'Donoghue, D. et al. (2013). The Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey - III. Zone 2; galactic latitudes -30? > b > -40? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 431: 240–2510035-8711 Edinburgh–Cape Blue Object Survey seeks to identify point sources with an ultraviolet excess. Results for zone 2 of the survey are presented here, covering that part of the South Galactic Cap between 30◦ and 40◦ from the Galactic plane and south of about −12. ◦ 3 of declination. Edinburgh–Cape zone 2 comprises 66 UK Schmidt Telescope fields covering about 1730 deg2, in which we find some 892 blue objects, including 423 hot subdwarfs (∼47 per cent); 128 white dwarfs (∼14 per cent); 25 cataclysmic variables (∼3 per cent); 119 binaries (∼13 per cent), mostly composed of a hot subdwarf and a main-sequence F or G star; 66 horizontal branch stars (∼7 per cent) and 48 ‘star-like’ extragalactic objects (∼5 per cent). A further 362 stars observed in the survey, mainly low-metallicity F- and G-type stars, are also listed. Both low-dispersion spectroscopic classification and UBV photometry are presented for almost all of the hot objects and either spectroscopy or photometry (or both) for the cooler ones.enPublisher retains copyright. Authors may archive the published version in their institutional repository.Surveys – starsEarly-type – starsHorizontal branchSubdwarfsWhite dwarfsQuasarsGeneralThe Edinburgh-Cape Blue Object Survey - III. Zone 2; galactic latitudes -30? > b > -40?Article