Amanyendzi, Seyram Brigitte2024-10-072024-10-072024Amenyedzi, S.B., 2024, ‘Disability and digital ecclesiology: Towards an accessible online church’, HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies 80(1), a9599.https://doi. org/10.4102/hts.v80i1.9599 though the digital church has been in existence for some time, it was mainly a transmission of onsite church services and programmes in the online space. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its demands for a global shutdown to mitigate and contain the disease moved almost all social activities including church services to the online space. It is evident that persons with disability experience extreme exclusion from the church’s theology, praxes, and ethos. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is replicated in the virtual space. Research proves that persons with disability were not considered in the migration of churches to the virtual space; hence, digital accessibility is minimal or non-existent during and after the COVID-19 era.enDisabilityOnline churchDigital accessibilityNew normalAssistive technologyDisability and digital ecclesiology: Towards an accessible online churchArticle