Graham, MarkWoodcock, Jamiedu Toit, Darcy2021-06-182021-06-182020du Toit, D. et al. (2020). The fairwork foundation: Strategies for improving platform work. Geoforum, 112,100-1030016-7185 paper introduces the Fairwork Foundation, a research initiative that is also developing an interventionaroundthequalityofworkondigitallabourplatforms.Lackingtheabilitytocollectivelybargain,manyplatformworkershavelittleabilitytonegotiatewagesorworkingconditionswiththeiremployers.Asaresultofthisnew,digitally-managed market for work, many workers have jobs characterised by long and irregular hours, lowincome, and high stress. Fairwork's field research across India and South Africa finds challenges for workersacross a range of issues which form the basis for a set of decent work principles on: pay, conditions, contracts,management,andrepresentation.Theresultsofthefieldresearcharebeingusedtorankandcompareplatformsagainst these principles as a means to encourage decent, and discourage ‘un-decent’ platform work.enDecent workPlatform economyDigital labourGig economyThe fairwork foundation: Strategies for improving platform workArticle