Padmanabhanunni, AnitaPienaar, Mariska2022-11-172024-04-192022-11-172024-04-192022 Doctor - PhDFollowing the dismantlement of the racial segregationist apartheid system and the establishment of a democratic republic, South Africa embarked on education policy reform that established a mandate to increase access to higher education for previously disadvantaged groups. This has led to an increase in first-generation students at South African higher education institutions. Despite suggestions from the international literature of associations between first-generation status, attrition, and poorer academic performance among first-generation students compared to their continuing-generation peers, there is a paucity of South African literature on this student population.enHigher educationUsychosocial profileUndergraduateSegregationSouth AfricaEstablishing a psychosocial and needs profile of first generation undergraduate students at an identified historically disadvantaged institution