Koen, Chris2015-12-112015-12-112015Koen, C. (2015). Multicolour time series photometry of the T Tauri star CVSO 30. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 450 (4): 3991-3998.0035-8711http://hdl.handle.net/10566/2018Five consecutive runs of at least five hours, and two shorter runs, of V(RI)C time series photometry of CVSO 30 are presented. No evidence could be seen for planetary transits, previously claimed in the literature for this star. The photometry described in this paper, as well as earlier observations, can be modelled by two non-sinusoidal periodicities of 8 and 10.8 h (frequencies 3 and 2.23 d−1) or their 1 d−1 aliases. The possibility is discussed that star-spots at different latitudes of a differentially rotating star is responsible for the brightness modulations. The steep wavelength dependence of the variability amplitudes is best described by hot star-spots.enOxford Open. Articles published under the Oxford Open model are made freely available online immediately upon publication, without subscription barriers to access.AstronomyPhotometrySouth African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)Palomar Transit Factory (PTF)High-resolution spectroscopyYoung Exoplanet Transit InitiativeCatalina Sky Survey (CSS)CVSO 30 (2MASS J05250755+0134243)Multicolour time series photometry of the T Tauri star CVSO 30Article