Kepe, ThembelaKobokana, SiviweProgramme for Land and Agrarian StudiesFaculty of Economics and Management Sciences2013-10-012024-11-112008/05/132008/05/132013-10-012024-11-112007 Philosophiae (Land and Agrarian Studies) - MPhil(LAS)This study aimed at analysing the South African government's attempt at reconciling poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation in the context of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP). The study analyses this, using the cases of Hluleka and Mkanbati Nature Reserves in the Eastern Cape Province. To achieve this aim, the study used qualitative research methodology, which employed a three-pronged approach.enBiodiversity conservationSouth AfricaLand useRuralNatural resourcesconservation areasReconciling poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation: The case of expanded public works progeamme (EPWP) in Hluleka and Mkambati Nature Reserves, South AfricaThesisUniversity of the Western Cape