Fredericks, IzakMasesa, Raphael Chisubo2021-05-112024-06-052021-05-112024-06-052010 Legum - LLMAn environment, which is not dangerous to the health or well-being of individuals, is every South African's basic Human right.1 In is every South African's basic human right to have the environment protected for the · "benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures".2 These measures must aim at preventing pollution and ecological degradation. The measures must further advance. conservation, and guarantee ecologically sustainable development and use of natural .· resources. 3 Stakeholders, such as, non-governmental, organizations (henceforth NGOs), and the community as a whole have important roles to play.4enEnvironmental impact assessmentDecision-makingPublic participationParticipatory democracyRepresentative democracyTowards democratic decision-making In environmental law: An investigation of the implementation of public Participation and access to administrative justiceUniversity of the Western Cape