Peerbhay, FathimaShatat, Fayez2018-09-172024-06-042018-12-312024-06-042018 Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) (Paediatric Dentistry)The use of glass ionomer cement (GIC) restorative materials assists in the prevention of dental caries due to its long-term fluoride release. However, poor physical strength is one of the main drawbacks of GIC. A surface coating is recommended to improve the physical strength and is considered necessary during the overlapping stages of setting reactions of GIC restorative materials. The development of resin based coatings has improved the properties of the material but the effect on fluoride release needs investigation.enGlass ionomer cement, Fluoride, Calcium, Aluminum, Ion selective electrodeThe effect of resin based coatings on fluoride release of glass ionomer cement, an in vitro studyUniversity of the Western Cape