Coppin, RossRautenbach, ChristoPonton, Timothy John2020-11-062020-11-062020Coppin, R. et al .(2020). Investigating waves and temperature as drivers of Kelp morphology. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,567 .Doi: morphological variation is determined to a large extent by a combination of environmental factors, with wave exposure and temperature perhaps the main influences, as they are key environmental properties to which a species becomes locally adapted. Macroalgae have shown to exhibit different responses to different magnitudes of exposure to waves, such as reduction in overall size and strength increasing traits. In terms of temperature, warmer environments have been shown to reduce the overall size of resident and transplanted species.enKelpWave exposureTemperatureMorphological adaptationMetOcean,Investigating waves and temperature as drivers of Kelp morphologyArticle