van Wyk, Steward11/08/201411/08/20142012Van Wyk, S. (2012). S� sjibbolet: �n intertekstuele lees. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde, 49(1):82-940041476X article pursues an intertextual reading of Adam Small's collection of poetry S� sjibbolet ("Say shibboleth"). The collection is read alongside texts that refer to "shibboleth" in their titles i.e. works by Paul Celan, Jacques Derrida and Doris Salcedo. The analysis draws on the readings that these texts provide of the Biblical passage in Judges 12 and the possibilities for further analysis that they open up of Small's title poem and collection as well as the insights that they provide into his poetic and discursive utterances with regard to apartheid and Afrikaners. Corresponding features in the writing of Celan and Small are further explored to enlighten their views on language and poetics within past and present contexts.afThis file may be freely used provided that the source is acknowledged. No commercial distribution of this text is permitted.Adam SmallAfrikaans poetryAnti-apartheid literatureJacques DerridaPaul Celan (1920-70)ShibbolethS� sjibbolet: �n intertekstuele leesArticle