Aguiar, DianaAhmed, YasminAvcı, Duygu2023-07-192023-07-192023Aguiar, D. et al. (2023). Transforming critical agrarian studies: Solidarity, scholar-activism and emancipatory agendas in and from the Global South. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 50(2), 758–786. paper examines the challenges and opportunities faced bycritical agrarian scholars in and from the Global South. We arguethat despite the historical and structural limitations, the criticaljuncture of convergence of crises and renewed interest inagrarian political economies offers an opportunity for fostering adiverse research agenda that opens space for critical perspectivesabout, from and by the Global South, which is mostly absent inmainstream scholarship dominated by the Global North. We alsopropose doing so by enhancing solidarity to transform injusticeswithin academia and other spaces of knowledge production anddisseminationenAgrarian studiesAcademic inequalitiesPoliticsEconomicsFood securityTransforming critical agrarian studies: Solidarity, scholar-activism and emancipatory agendas in and from the Global SouthArticle