Phetlhu, Deliwe RenéBimerew, MillionAkimanimpaye, Furaha2021-08-022024-06-052021-08-022024-06-052021 Doctor - PhDLiterature evidence on challenges facing the grandparents caring for AIDS orphaned children has shown inaccessibility to health care services, inability to afford basic needs, absence of social security provisions (with the exception of the pension scheme) and lack of attention from the government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs). In South Africa, there is insufficient documented evidence of available sustainable approaches to supporting grandparents caring for AIDS orphans in all health dimensions. This study aimed to develop strategies to improve support for grandparents caring for AIDS orphans in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.enGrandparentsSupportStrategiesOrphanGovernmentHIV and AIDSDeveloping strategies to improve support for grandparents caring for aids orphans in the western capeUniversity of Western Cape