Roomaney, Rifqah Abeedavan Wyk, BrianPillay‑van Wyk, Victoria2022-08-302022-08-302022Roomaney, R. A. et al. (2022). A systematic method for comparing multimorbidity in national surveys. BMC research notes, 15(1), 280. 0 to gaps in the literature, we developed a systematic method to assess multimorbidity using national surveys. The objectives of this study were thus to identify methods used to defne and measure multimorbidity, to create a pre-defned list of disease conditions, to identify potential national surveys to include, to select disease condi‑ tions for each survey, and to analyse and compare the survey fndings. We used the count method to defne multimorbidity. We created a pre-defned list of disease conditions by examining international literature and using local data on the burden of disease. We assessed national surveys, report‑ ing on more than one disease condition in people 15 years and older, for inclusion. For each survey, the prevalence of multimorbidity was calculated, the disease patterns among the multimorbid population were assessed using a latent class analysis and logistic regression was used to identify sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with multimorbidity.enPublic healthMultimorbiditySouth AfricaHIVA systematic method for comparing multimorbidity in national surveysArticle