van den Berg, Caroliende Vries, Heinca2021-02-192024-05-032021-02-192024-05-032020 Commercii - MComThis study aimed to understand the readiness and perceptions of Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption among dentists in the public service of the Western Cape. A qualitative study design was chosen due to a lack of understanding of the phenomena. Additionally, the research sought to identify the factors that would potentially influence readiness and perceptions in order to identify how these factors could potentially influence EHR adoption among dentists.enElectronic health records (EHR),Readiness and perceptionsElectronic health records (EHR) for dentistsElectronic health records (EHR) in South AfricaAdoption of electronic health records(EHR)The readiness and perceptions of public health dentists on electronic health records: Case of Cape town south AfricaUniversity of Western Cape