Ludidi, NdikoAli, Ali Elnaeim Elbasheir2022-08-082024-05-092024-05-092022 Doctor - PhDSorghum is an important crop in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The predicted rise in global temperatures will increase the probability of exposing sorghum to heat waves in combination with drought. Thus, production and availability of sorghum and its products will be negatively affected. Although much progress has been made in identifying molecular processes involved in some crop responses to drought or heat stress, knowledge on such responses in sorghum is limited and in fact does not exist for combined drought and heat stress in sorghum lines that respond differently to these stresses.enDroughtSorghumHeat stressCropsSub-Saharan AfricaDeciphering the determinants of molecular physiological responses to drought and heat stress in sorghum lines contrasting in stress tolerance via a proteomics approachUniversity of the Western Cape