Roman, Nicolette V.Mwaba, KelvinRose, Jenny Lee2020-12-022024-04-192020-12-022024-04-192019 Doctor - PhDEarly Childhood development is an important phase of development, wherein the trajectory of the child’s life can potentially be determined. However, not all children experience positive outcomes, and many present with psychopathology. In particular, psychopathology in children will manifest as either externalizing behaviours or internalising behaviours. The treatment of internalising disorders becomes increasingly complex, as there isn’t always outward behaviour to give evidence to the inward difficulties. Literature amplifies the importance of the role of the parent in ensuring the well-being of the child and in working towards healthy developmental outcomes.enEarly childhood developmentThe circle of security parenting programme (COS-P)ParentingParenting programmeParental self-efficacyThe effect of the circle of security parenting programme on parental self-efficacy and internalising behaviours in childrenUniversity of Western Cape