Roman, NicoletteKhaile, Fundiswa Thelma2022-08-022024-05-032024-05-032022 Doctor - PhDMore than twenty-five years after the end of the apartheid system of government and its statutory segregation, South African communities continue to reflect high levels of racial and social divisions. The prevalence of these issues has reinforced an environment characterised by high levels of inequality, weak social cohesion, exclusion and segregation emanating from an untransformed and unjust spatial legacy. To respond to these challenges, municipalities as the sphere of government closest to communities are expected, among other things, to facilitate trust and a sense of belonging in order to realise a cohesive society.enSocial cohesionTrustApartheidRaceIntegrated Development Plans (IDPs)City of Cape Town and City of EkurhuleniMechanisms for facilitating trust and sense of belonging as aspects of social cohesion in local government: Exploratory case studies of the City of Cape Town and the City of EkurhuleniUniversity of the Western Cape