Botha, Paul. JPontes, Carla CruvinelSchoonees, Anel2020-10-232020-10-232018Botha , P. J. et al. (2018). Mapping oral cancer research in South Africa. South African Dental Journal. 73( 6 ),384 - 394.Doi: aim of the present study was to review the scope of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) research in South Africa, including its epidemiology, diagnosis, associated risk factors and management. All publications relating to OSCC on the South African population were sought. A total of 72 studies were included and classified into seven categories; most studies were case reports or case series.enSouth AfricaOral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC)Human papillomavirusRisk factors and epidemiologyCancerMapping oral cancer research in South AfricaArticle