Dave, RomeelLi, QingyangCui, Weiguang2021-02-082021-02-082020Dave, R. et al. (2020). The three hundred project: The stellar and gas profiles. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495(3), 2930–29481365-2966https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa1385http://hdl.handle.net/10566/5858Using the catalogues of galaxy clusters from The Three Hundred project, modelled with both hydrodynamic simulations (GADGET-X and GADGET-MUSIC), and semi-analytical models (SAMs), we study the scatter and self-similarity of the profiles and distributions of the baryonic components of the clusters: the stellar and gas mass, metallicity, the stellar age, gas temperature, and the (specific) star formation rate. Through comparisons with observational results, we find that the shape and the scatter of the gas density profiles matches well the observed trends including the reduced scatter at large radii which is a signature of self-similarity suggested in previous studies. One of our simulated sets, GADGET-X, reproduces well the shape of the observed temperature profile, while GADGET-MUSIC has a higher and flatter profile in the cluster centre and a lower and steeper profile at large radii. The gas metallicity profiles from both simulation sets, despite following the observed trend, have a relatively lower normalization.enGalaxies: clusters: generalGalaxies: clusters: intracluster mediumGalaxies: generalGalaxies: haloesGas profileThe three hundred project: The stellar and gas profilesArticle