Redfern, AliceCluver, Lucie DCasale, Marisa2021-07-022021-07-022019Redfern, A et al. (2019). Cost and cost-effectiveness of a parenting programme to prevent violence against adolescents in South Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4(3), 1–9. paper presents the costs and costeffectiveness of ‘Parenting for Lifelong Health: Sinovuyo Teen’, a non-commercialised parenting programme aimed at preventing violence against adolescents in low-income and middle-income countries. The effectiveness of Sinovuyo Teen was evaluated with a cluster randomised controlled trial in 40 villages and peri-urban townships in the Eastern Cape of South Africa from 2015 to 2016. The costs of implementation were calculated retrospectively and models of costs at scale estimated, from the perspective of the programme provider. Cost-effectiveness analysis considers both the cost per incident of abuse averted, and cost per disability-adjusted life year averted.enParentingViolenceAdolescentsSouth AfricaChildhood behaviouralCost and cost-effectiveness of a parenting programme to prevent violence against adolescents in South AfricaArticle