Singiza, Douglas Karekonade Visser, Jaap2014-09-172014-09-172011Singiza, D.K. & de Visser, J. (2011) . Chewing more than one can swallow: the creation of new districts in Uganda. Law, Democracy & Development, 15: 19-3610281055 article analyses the process of creating districts. It briefly discusses the local government system in Uganda and introduces the phenomenon of the increase in the number of districts. It continues with an analysis of why, in principle, the creation of more districts may be beneficial to Uganda. However, it focuses also on the financial burden that these newly created districts place on the locality and the state in the context of the role of districts in facilitating the realisation of socio-economic rights in Uganda. The article examines the resources needed to sustain a new district and draws conclusions with regard to the impact on the decentralisation programme.enUgandaLocal governmentDecentralisationChewing more than one can swallow: the creation of new districts in UgandaArticle