Fernandez, LWilliams, E2023-06-122024-04-022023-06-122024-04-022002https://hdl.handle.net/10566/10492Magister Legum - LLMThe end of the Cold War created the expectation that the international community will be able to deal with any challenges to international peace and security more effectively. However, these expectations were dispelled, given the experiences in some war-tom countries. The uN peacekeeping forces are mainly faced with problems such as the shift from interstate to intrastate conflict and the related challenges of how, by whom, and when intervention in civil strife will be justifiable. one of the key questions is whether there will be the necessary political will and organizational effectiveness to diffuse the types of conflicts that threaten international peace.enpeace keepingenforcement actioninternational humanitarian lawHIV/AIDSUnited Nations peacekeeping and international humanitarian law