Sunnemark, FredrikWestin, Wilma LundqvistAssmo, Per2023-06-272023-06-272023Sunnemark, F. et al. (2023). Exploring barriers and facilitators to knowledge transfer and learning processes through a cross-departmental collaborative project in a municipal organization. The Learning Organization. 10.1108/TLO-01-2023-00030969-647410.1108/TLO-01-2023-0003 study aims to explore barriers and facilitators for knowledge transfer and learning processes by examining a cross-departmental collaborative project in the municipal organization. It is based on a R&D collaboration between University West and a Swedish municipality. Design/methodology/approach: To explore the barriers and facilitators, the data collection was made through observation of the project implementation process, as well as 20 interviews with public servants and external actors. To conduct a systematic qualitative-oriented content analysis, the article constructs and applies a theoretical analytical framework consisting of different factors influencing knowledge transfer and learning processes within a municipal organizational setting.enOrganizational learningHuman rightsOrganisational behaviourSwedish municipalityExploring barriers and facilitators to knowledge transfer and learning processes through a cross-departmental collaborative project in a municipal organizationArticle