Pasupathi, SivakumarNyamsi, Serge NyallangTolj, Ivan2023-07-122023-07-122023Nyamsi, S.N., Tolj, I. and Pasupathi, S., 2023. Multi-objective optimization of a metal hydride reactor coupled with phase change materials for fast hydrogen sorption time. Journal of Energy Storage, 71, p.108089., the utilization of phase change materials (PCM) for the heat storage/recovery of the metal hydride's reaction heat has received increasing attention. However, the poor heat management process makes hydrogen sorption very slow during heat recycling. In this work, the H2 charging/discharging performance of a metal hydride tank (MHT) filled with LaNi5 and equipped with a paraffin-based (RT35) PCM finned jacket as a passive heat management medium is numerically investigated. Using a two-dimensional mathematical model validated with our in-house experiments, the effects of design parameters such as PCM thermophysical properties and the fin size on hydrogen charging/discharging times of the MHT are investigated systematically. The results showed that the PCM's melting point and apparent heat capacity have a conflicting impact on the hydrogen sorption times, i.e., the low melting point and high specific heat capacity reduce the H2 charging timeenMetal hydridePassive heat managementPhase change materialsMulti-objective optimizationHydrogen sorptionMulti-objective optimization of a metal hydride reactor coupled with phase change materials for fast hydrogen sorption timeArticle