Lawrie ElenaSithole, Makuhane Abel2022-02-212024-05-142022-02-212024-05-142021 Doctor - PhDLow- and medium-spin bands of 187Os have been studied using the AFRODITE array, following the 186W(4He,3n)187Os reaction at a beam energy of 37 MeV. The measurements of 􀀀 coincidences, angular distribution ratios (RAD), polarization and -intensities were performed using eleven High Purity Germanium (HPGe) clover detectors. In the current work, all the previously known bands have been signi cantly extended and ve new bands have been added to the level scheme. The observed bands are interpreted within the cranked shell model (CSM), cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky- Bogoliubov (CNSB) formalism and Quasiparticle-plus-Triaxial-Rotor (QTR) model. Systematic comparison of bands with the neighbouring isotopes has also been made. Comparison of the models with experimental data shows good agreement.enAFRODITEFusion evaporationGamma bandsLinear polarization anisotropyNew collective structures in the Z=76 stable odd neutron nucleus, 187OsUniversity of Western Cape