Lenaghan, PatriciaVonya, Qamani2019-09-032024-06-052019-09-032024-06-052019https://hdl.handle.net/10566/16025Magister Legum - LLMThe United Kingdom (UK) is one of the largest Member states within the European Union (EU) that receive export goods from developing countries. The UK has successfully voted to exit the EU through a referendum and this may impact the already existing developing countries’ markets that depend on their exports to the UK. On the one hand, the UK has promised that it intends on maintaining the existing trade agreements with most of its trade partners including the Southern African Development Community (SADC)-EU Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA). On the other hand, the UK is concerned of its independence from the EU and at this point in time, it can only be anticipated that, agreements if any, relating to Brexit will only suffice once the entire exiting process has been completed.enEuropean Union (EU)BrexitUK ParliamentLisbon TreatyDeveloping countriesA critical analysis of the impact of Brexit on the SADC-EU EPAUniversity of the Western Cape