Hadebe, SabeloKhumalo, JermaineMangali, SandisiweMthembu, NontobekoNdlovu, HlumaniScibiorek, MartynaNgomti, AmkeleBrombacher, Frank2021-01-252021-01-252020s: Hadebe S, Khumalo J, Mangali S, Mthembu N, Ndlovu H, Scibiorek M,Ngomti A, Kirstein F, Brombacher F, Deletion of IL-4Rα signalling on B cells limits hyperresponsivenessdepending on antigen-load., Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (2021)http://hdl.handle.net/10566/5735B cells play an important role in allergies through secretion of IgE. Interleukin 4 50 receptor α (IL-4Rα) is key in allergic asthma and regulates type 2 cytokine production, IgE 51 secretion and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). IL-4 activation of B cells is essential for 52 class-switching and contributes to the induction of B effector 2 (Be2) cells. The role of Be2 53 cells and signalling via IL-4Rα in B cells is not clearly defined.enIL-4RαTH2 cellsB cellsgerminal centreT follicular helper cellB effector 2 cellsDeletion of IL-4Rα signalling on B cells limits hyperresponsiveness depending on antigen-load.Article