Lestrade, Leon2020-10-212020-10-212020Leon, L( 2020). Those who are most at risk. gate5. https://www.gate5.co.za/read/115510/qv/84777601/147813290/144735/phttps://www.gate5.co.za/read/115510/qv/84777601/147813290/144735/phttp://hdl.handle.net/10566/5295For all three deadly human coronavirus , advanced age ,being male, and the presence of other pre-existing medical conditions-including obesity, diabetes and heart disease- are the major factors linked to severe disease and death. There is concern about the possible impact Covid-19 could have should it spread among the most overcrowded and poor areas of South Africa. These areas typical have the highest incidence of immuno-compromised individuals-malnutrition, tuberculosis and HIV are commonly rife in these areas.enCoronavirus pandemicCovid-19South AfricaHigh risk of unemploymentThose who are most at riskArticle