Dewing, SarahMathews, CatherineSchaay, NikkiCloete, AllaniseSimbayi, LeicknessChopra, Mickey2012-11-262012-11-262011Dewing, S., et al. (2011). The Feasibility of implementing a sexual risk reduction intervention in routine clinical practice at an ARV clinic in Cape Town: a case study. AIDS and Behaviour, 15(5): 905-9101090-7165 case study with one lay adherence counsellor assessed the implementation of Options for Health, a sexual risk-reduction intervention based on Motivational Interviewing (MI), in an antiretroviral clinic in Cape Town, South Africa. In most cases Options was not delivered with fidelity and less than one-third of intended recipients received it; the counsellor often forgot to do Options, was unsure how to deal with particular cases and felt that there was not always time to do Options. Options was not implemented in a way that was consistent with MI. Revisions to the implementation plan and training programme are required.enThis is the author postprint version of an article published by Springer. The file may be freely used, provided that acknowledgement of the source is givenPositive preventionMotivational interviewingLay counsellorsFeasibilityThe Feasibility of implementing a sexual risk reduction intervention in routine clinical practice at an ARV clinic in Cape Town: a case studyArticle