Fovet, ThomasVilla, ClémentBouchard, Jean-Pierre2023-04-112023-04-112023Fovet, T. et al. (2023). Trauma and PTSD in prisons and corrections. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique, 181(2), 184-189. stress disorder (PTSD), and particularly complex PTSD, is over-represented in prisons and corrections. In this interview with Jean-Pierre Bouchard, Thomas Fovet, Cle ́ ment Villa, Bettina Belet, Fanny Carton, Timothe ́ e Bauer, Suzanne Buyle-Bodin and Fabien D’Hondt draw on their clinical experience and recent epidemiological research to provide an overview of the issue. The clinical aspects specifically found in the prison environment, especially the questions of comorbid psychiatric and substance use disorders or PTSD in perpetrators of violent crime, are developed. The current state of knowledge regarding the management of post-traumatic symptoms in prison is also discussed and put into perspective with daily practice.enPsychiatriePrisonPTSDCriminalityViolenceTrauma and PTSD in prisons and correctionsLe psychotraumatisme en milieu pe ́ nitentiaireArticle