Lawrie, E. A.Lindsay, R.Masiteng, Paulus Lukisi2015-02-182024-05-142015-02-182024-05-142013 Doctor - PhDIn the first experiment high spin states in 194Tl, excited through the 181Ta (18O, 5n) heavyion fusion evaporation reaction were studied using the AFRODITE array at iThemba LABS. The γ-γ coincidences, RAD ratios and linear polarization measurements were carried out and the previously known level scheme of 194Tl was significantly extended. A total of five rotational bands four of which are new were observed. A pair of rotational bands associated with the πh9/2 ⊗ νi−1 13/2 configuration at lower spins and with the πh9/2 ⊗ νi−3 13/2 configuration at higher spins was found and interpreted as the first possible chiral bands followed above the band crossing. The two 4-quasiparticle bands show exceptionally close near-degeneracy in the excitation energies. Furthermore close similarity is also found in their alignments and B(M1)/B(E2) reduced transition probability ratios. In the second experiment lifetimes in 194Tl were measured using the DSAM technique with the excited states in this nucleus populated through the 181Ta (18O, 5n) reaction. A total of 25 lifetimes and 30 reduced transition probabilities of magnetic dipole B(M1) and electric quadrupole B(E2) have been evaluated. Furthermore B(M1) and B(E2) reduced transition probabilities in Bands 1 and 4, which have been regarded as chiral candidates, were found to be close to each other and reveals strong splitting along spin values. This further supports the proposed chiral nature of these two bands.enHigh-spin statesLevel schemeLinear polarisationAngular momentumExcitation energiesNear-degeneracyRotational bandsTransition probability ratiosChiralityDoppler shift attenuation methodLifetimesGamma spectroscopy and lifetime measurements in the doubly-odd 194tl nucleus, revealing possible chiral symmetry breakingUniversity of the Western Cape