Musyoka, Nicholas M.Petrik, LeslieFatoba, Ojo O.Hums, Eric2018-01-152018-01-152013Musyoka, N.M. et al. (2013). Synthesis of zeolites from coal ash using mine waters. Minerals Engineering, 53: 9 – 150892-6875 this study mine waters obtained from coal mining operations in South Africa were used as a substitute for pure water during the synthesis of zeolites from South African coal fly ash. Procedures that had been optimized to produce single phase zeolite Na-P1 and X using pure water were employed independently. The use of circumneutral mine water resulted in similar quality zeolite Na-P1 and X whereas the use of acidic mine drainage led to the formation of a single phase hydroxysodalite zeolite. Since these two wastes (fly ash and mine waters) are found in close proximity to each other, this study demonstrates that they can be used to ameliorate each other and at the same time produce saleable zeolitic products that can be used to offset their costs of disposal and treatment.enThis is the author-version of the article published online at: ashMine waterZeolite XZeolite Na-P1Synthesis of zeolites from coal fly ash using mine watersArticle