Hamman, Abraham2017-08-152017-08-152010Hamman, A. (2010). Cellphone technology, human rights and the criminal justice system. A new decade of criminal justice in South Africa - consolidating transformation, Gordon's Bay, 2005. Western Cape: The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation.http://hdl.handle.net/10566/3126Millions use cellphones every day. It is unthinkable for anyone to not have one in his/her possession. We can be reached almost everywhere and at almost every destination. It is small, compact and extremely user friendly. Even school children from an early age pester their parents for this device. For some it is an irritation, for other an integral part of their daily existence - without which they cannot do.enPublisher has granted permission to upload the published version of this article.Cellphone technologyHuman rightsCriminal justice systemCellphone technology, human rights and the criminal justice systemArticle