Makaudze, E.Macuacua, Eduardo F.Dept. of EconomicsFaculty of Economics and Management Sciences2014-02-062024-05-032010/03/312010/03/312014-02-062024-05-032008 Economicae - MEconThe objective of this study is to empirically examine the export-led growth hypothesis in Mozambique using quarterly time series data over the period of 1987-2004, applying a co-integration analysis, Engle and Granger(1987) Error Correction Model (ECM) and the Granger causality test. The paper explores the causal relationship between economic growth and othe explanatory variables, such as real exports, imports, labour force, gross capital formation, terms of trade, civil war and natural disasters (the last two as dummy variables).enEconomic growthForeign trade policiesExport promotion strategyImport substitution strategyExport-led growth Growth-led exportExport expansion/developmentExport gainsCo-integration analysisError correction modellingMozambiqueExport expansion as determinant of economic growth in Mozambique: a co-integration analysisThesisUniversity of the Western Cape